Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
9am: Arrive and Check in
9-9:15 free play while we wait for late kiddos
9:15-10am Archaeology Lesson and project or activity
10am-11:30/12pm Visit our museum of the day
12pm-12:30 Lunch and games
12:30-1pm Finish up projects and get ready for pick up
1pm Pick up/sign out
A refillable water bottle, snack, lunch, and sunscreen/hat
We do not exceed 30 students and we will have anywhere from 3-5 teachers on staff depending on camp size.
Parents are not allowed to attend camp with their children for liability/safety purposes. However, they are more than welcome to be in/around Balboa Park. If your student needs you nearby in order to be on their best behavior, they are not ready for our camp.
We take a 'nip it' approach to behavior. If we cannot redirect student's behavior or if the behavior continues to be disruptive these are our disciplinary policies:
1. Warning, redirect, etc. If warnings persist but are manageable we will talk to Mom/Dad and expect better behavior the next day.
2. If behavior does not improve, or if behaviors are too distracting from other campers, that student will need to be picked up from camp.
3. Students will either be asked to come back after being picked up, or will not asked back and that is subject to our owner, Melissa Allen.
-Lewdness, dangerous behaviors, and Severely inappropriate conversations are subject to withdrawal immediately.
**We have seasoned teachers/mothers who teach our camps and we are equipped to handle behavior. We will always communicate with parents to receive support at home and in our 6 years of operation we have not had any issues with suspension or withdrawals.**
These policies are put in place so that everyone is able to receive the experience they signed up for.